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Discover The Brutal Truth About How Web Designers Place Their Own Reputation Ahead of Your Business’ Profits

  • Meet the pointy-headed “creatives” who are as useful to your business as a full scale IRS audit..
  • Why your wow-inspiring website might be just a pretty palace sitting on quicksand..
  • How an obscure 19th century Italian economist holds the key to your online success..
  • How to exploit a Dead Beatle’s songwriting philosophy to generate massive online cash windfalls..
  • …and much more..

If you’re business does not have a USP, you’ll forever be sucking up to price buying hacks who will drain your patience dry and ride your sanity hard.

Care not for the opinion of errant malcontents, the only thing worth a damn is that of your market.

Ease yourself into your daily emailing routine with light conversational emails.

How my 10 essential business books can help you and your business attract more qualified leads, save time and boost your bottom line.

If your business does NOT have a reliable marketing system capable of attracting leads and customers then it’s only a matter of time before it’s in trouble.