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Discover The Brutal Truth About How Web Designers Place Their Own Reputation Ahead of Your Business’ Profits

  • Meet the pointy-headed “creatives” who are as useful to your business as a full scale IRS audit..
  • Why your wow-inspiring website might be just a pretty palace sitting on quicksand..
  • How an obscure 19th century Italian economist holds the key to your online success..
  • How to exploit a Dead Beatle’s songwriting philosophy to generate massive online cash windfalls..
  • …and much more..

Pay Per Click Advertising Dublin and Beyond

Often when businesses owners first get a website they are aghast to find that their investment has ended up becoming little more than an online white elephant.

It can be a shock to find out that on top of getting a website developed, they also need to have a reliable system of driving qualified visitors to their site, and a means of turning those visitors into buyers.

It can be an unpleasant wake up call for sure.

I hear it every day from business owners..

 “Quasimodo gets more action than my website!”

“I got ripped off by a web designer who told me his work would make me rich!”

“A website is a waste of time. I’m going back to using the Golden Pages..”

But to dismiss the web entirely off the back of one or two bad experiences would be a mistake.

Used correctly, the web can be a devastatingly powerful asset for your business to have.

Alas, it’s ineffectiveness can be put squarely at the door of most web designers.


Well, let’s make one thing clear: the majority of web designers are not marketers, no matter who much they may claim to be. They excel at creating pretty pieces of online art, but they’re understanding of customer buying psychology is usually non-existent.

What makes people buy. Their emotional hot buttons. Their buying triggers. What the conversation in their head is when they go to make a purchase.

These important factors are frequently ignored.

And when they do suggest ways to drive traffic, they usually plump for one of the old reliables, SEO.

Trouble is, SEO ain’t that reliable any more.

It’s become far too unpredictable.

However, there is one way  of driving traffic to your website that IS reliable, scalable and capable of delivering to your businesses highly qualified, targeted visitors.

What is this magical means of traffic I speak of?

Pay Per Click Advertising.

Now usually when I say those four little words, many business owners blood starts to drain from face, and their tough, resolute bodies start to go cold.

If your one of those business owners, I want you to relax. It’s okay. I get it, I truly do.

I’ve heard the horror stories too.

I know the urban legends and old wives tales of business owners dropping their credit cards digits into the Adwords interface only to find the “Big G” has not only cleaned out their credit card, but possibly also their business.

It’s certainly true if you approach Adwords like a wide-eyed innocent you will get your clock cleaned.

But like any instrument, it can be used destructively or constructively.

My approach is different. It’s one that’s based on trust.

Instead of looking at Google as the enemy, an adversary to be battled with, I work with them to let their algorithm to do the work for me.

I give it the information it needs. I tell it what I want to happen.

Through a process of feeding their algorithm enough information on my ideal customer or client, it’s able to ascertain which of my ads it should show, and which ones it shouldn’t.

I feed it information that’s cognisant of that “conversation that’s happening inside my customers head”, and let its sophisticated learning algorithm do the legwork work for me.

All of which ensures a frankly obscene conversion rate.

It’s exactly how Google’s armies of PhD’s intended it to work.

Thus allowing you to concentrate on the things that matter, like the day to day running of your business.

And that’s how I approach Adwords. As someone who comes from a mathematical background, I trust it to do the work.

And boy, when you know how to feed it the right information, it works like gangbusters.

Now, perhaps you’re a savvy business owner who gets the awesome power of Pay Per Click marketing, but is unsure how to harness it’s power?

Well, if you are one of the savvy few, then the next step is to sign up to my FREE mini course on traffic generation, “9 Nuggets of Wisdom To Drive Torrents of Traffic To Your Website”.

I’m not in a position to help everybody, and my style is NOT to everybody’s tastes. Because of this, my mini-course serves not just to provide you with valuable information on how to drive traffic to your website, but also as a means to introduce you to my style of marketing.

But if after the mini-course you think we could be a good fit for each other, then please get in touch to see how I can help you grow your business using Pay Per Click advertising.

Keith Commins Direct Response Web Designer

Discover The Brutal Truth About How Web Designers Place Their Own Reputation Ahead of Your Business’ Profits

  • Meet the pointy-headed “creatives” who are as useful to your business as a full scale IRS audit..
  • Why your wow-inspiring website might be just a pretty palace sitting on quicksand..
  • How an obscure 19th century Italian economist holds the key to your online success..
  • How to exploit a Dead Beatle’s songwriting philosophy to generate massive online cash windfalls..
  • …and much more..